6 Bulan

This is the pic of my hero Ian & my princess Iris
waktu both 6 months years old..
Macam tak caya ye me.. dah ada a couple of lovely kids

About mummy_ayu

I am Mummy Ayu And obviously I am a mummy of two kids, Ian and Iris. This blog is like my diary. Its contain my life story, my kids, my passions,my hobbies, my friends, my cooks and many more.


  1. eee..comeynyer..!!!geram shie nak amik...

  2. sama mukenye ek masa kecik2..hihihi yg adik badik ape ah auntie ni ek

  3. mummy roshie ~ hope u nanti pun dapat baby yang comel macam nie gak!!!amin

    Mummy Dasy ~ ait! sendiri tanya, sendiri jawab..he he he..

  4. ala comel nye anak2 akak ni.. geram2.. nak gegets pipi buley.. :p

  5. anugerah tuhan yg maha esa... comel je kedua2nya. dua2 ikut iras mummy ayu.. secantik ibu

  6. mYpRecious ~ pipi tu memang fav mummy...sila la geget cikit... tapi jangan kuat tau!

    CuTeMiUt78 ~ alhamdulillah! Tuhan memang maha Esa..ye ker ikut muka mummy, ada orang kata muka cam daddy..ma acih!


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