Part 2.. ada apa2 ke tu???

as salam..
and good morning guys....
dah sarapan.....? sarapan apa?
Mummy Ayu tapau mee hoon + nestlo ais pagi nie
so..sambil2 layan nestlo ais
sambil la taip entry nie...
sambung lagi cita buzzday party hero2 Net...
mcm tajuk entry
and mcm yg diduga Fida....
hah tgk....anak dara Mummy Ayu
dan anak bujang Suziey...
he he he..kami try padankan
masa nie baru sampai...
mula mula jauh..
pas tu dekat cikit...
emmm...ok la....
dua dua sama tomei
tapi masam je...
mood lum dtg lagi
bab pic nie nampak sgt kena paksa
but dia Aqeel letak je....
lawk tu tgk aksi 2 org nie...
he he he...
sambung story betul2 jab lagi ek..

About mummy_ayu

I am Mummy Ayu And obviously I am a mummy of two kids, Ian and Iris. This blog is like my diary. Its contain my life story, my kids, my passions,my hobbies, my friends, my cooks and many more.


  1. naper masam je tu iris..ngantuk ke...aqeel pn masam gk..hehehe

  2. hikss...sooooo sweet la dorang ni..haahhaa..lawak btl:p

    haih xsbr nk edit ade keje ni..satgi aku gigih update ok:p

    wei jadi x living cabin? aku ok..

  3. Amy ~ time nie baru nak warm up..baru sampai..

    Suziey ~ tu la..muka dah mcm sesuai dah tu..he he he..ada beran?
    aku pun ok..tunggu net je sbb net tgh berkhidmat untuk negara..tapi pagi tadi dia call dia kata ok..
    apa2..kami roger ok?

  4. Amy ~ cecikit..cuci mata...jom cabin PS...
    plan nak mamam Mc'D ari nie..
    ok tak suziey?

  5. hehehe ni kes mahu tapi malu..masing2 buat muka hehhee
    so cutee

  6. Adlin ~ mungkin jugak la kot..he he he...


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