Farewell & birthday party

salam jumaat
good morning semua

sambung lagi..
banyak cita & pic ni

9 nov plak
petang tu ada farewell party lagi & birthday celebration
so..here we go
tema space but Iris pakai baju pilot
Untie Akma dia belikan
suka je
tapi sampai sana..tie tak nak pakai, topi pun tak nak pakai
kat umah je

3 of us..
Mummy Ayu DIY tanduk alien kononnya

ha ha..last minit nya idea

Mummy AYu bawak pizza, burger & sausage

he he he...

birthday cake

props yg jadi rebutan
berebut the kids

lama tak wat or join birthday party kan

rumah besar
seronok gather ramai2 mcm ni
makan lunch
foods semua yummy!!!
lupa nak snap

posing2....harus la
 dan lagi
dan lagi
with the bam bam Qarez...

bam bam kecik with bam bam besar
bulat nya mata dia

Mummy Ayu jumpa geng alien
ha ha ha...

birthday boy with Mommy & Daddy

mula2 sampai tu
siap tegur why la cik johan in his suit?
rupanya Mr MIB
ha ha..siap ngan spek mata hitam lagi
caya la

and last but not least..
group photo

balik dr party
terus ke Rama 4
beli birthday cake for Iris plak

About mummy_ayu

I am Mummy Ayu And obviously I am a mummy of two kids, Ian and Iris. This blog is like my diary. Its contain my life story, my kids, my passions,my hobbies, my friends, my cooks and many more.


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