Congrats sayang!!!

semalam bukan main lagi excited balik sekolah
actually dr last week lagi dia dah tau result dah
but sbb semalam baru dpt sijil nya
so...congrats sayang!!!
( dia selalu baca blog Mummy Ayu ni)
congrats to my princess ...
coz dpt 4th her 1st try
actually sekolah diaorang memang 1st time try join pertandingan ni
and..practice pun dlm 1week plus je
her school dpt 4th place for that
congrats congrats!!!
1st time tahu pasal bicara berirama ni
sebelum ni tau coral speaking je...
rupanya ada in BM jugak yer
and.... she is so excited sbb dia join
and diaorang dpt no 4...yeay!!!

kalau senyum dpt no lagi tinggi kot..
he he he...
anyway... good try, next year leh join lagi..
tq  auntie2 yg wish good luck hari tu

About mummy_ayu

I am Mummy Ayu And obviously I am a mummy of two kids, Ian and Iris. This blog is like my diary. Its contain my life story, my kids, my passions,my hobbies, my friends, my cooks and many more.


  1. Alhamdulillah, tahniah Iris & kawan2! Tempat ke-4 seluruh Seremban mmg hebat tu 💐

  2. Selamat buat Iris...semoga kedepan tambah bersemangat lagi..sukses selalu

  3. tahniah..first time jgk dengar ni..:)

  4. Alhamdulillah...Tahniah Iris!!!keep it up

  5. Tahniah beautiful princess.. keep it up

  6. Bahasa Arab pun ada…dipanggil Kalam Jamaie

  7. Dapat tempat ke4 untuk 1st try dan hanya practice seminggu, kira baguuus sangaaat 👍👍. Congrats ya iris 🎉🎉🎉.


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