Happy birthday my dear BFF!!!

this entry special dedicated to my beloved BFF
today is your day...
happy buzzday to you!!
semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki,
sihat & gembira selalu!!!
hope all your wishes came true..
such as..
~ lots of new shoe....
~ new camera..
~ baby girl...
and..semua2 la....
and hope our friendship last forever..
bab nangis2 nie..
aku la champion
ko tak nangis pun
aku nangis dulu..
we have each other kan?
tapi...kat pigs and mud tu..
ignore kan yer...haram..
emm..semua quotes kat atas nie aku suka
kita kan selalu gelak tak ingat dunia
padahal..benda tu keciks jer...
best friends forever

About mummy_ayu

I am Mummy Ayu And obviously I am a mummy of two kids, Ian and Iris. This blog is like my diary. Its contain my life story, my kids, my passions,my hobbies, my friends, my cooks and many more.


  1. epi besday Net..jgn nottie2 tau

  2. suweeet punye entry!!!!kalau kite..touching habis ni

  3. untungnya ada bff yg buat n3 khas tuk friends dia heheh

    happy b'day nett- hope apa yg mummy ayu tulis tu termakbul..amin

  4. happy besday BFF mummyayu...^_^

    happy always k~

  5. ahahah, lawaklah ko ayu...ko baca ayat aku ni bebetul...AKU AKAN NANGIS KALO KO BELI AKU KASUT SIZE 8..noktah! muahahahahahahahah


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