last weekend
Mummy Ayu layan satu dvd nie
bukan Mummy Ayu beli or minat pun
Daddy yang punya
tapi dia dok cakap
so...layan la..
and..memang best pun..
so...meh Mummy Ayu share kat sini key

Will Gerald (Nicolas Cage) accept an offer of killing his wife (January Jones) rapist from a random man
name Simon (Guy Pearce) with a favor from him.
The job was done, and Will feel scare about it.
6 months later, they call him and ask him for a favor just like he promise.
The make him stock a woman and her 3 kids,
and kill a man in a picture he gave Will,
with specific orders to make it look like an accident.
Will doesn’t like the idea and ignore it,
but Simon didn’t let him and threaten to kill his wife.
Simon told him that the guy he suppose to kill is a child molester,
Will doesn’t believe it, but Simon make him had no choice,
Will try to talk to his target,
but his target attack him and end up fall to his death.
Will got scare and got arrested by the police.
Will find out that his target is a famous journalist,
who he thinks is withholding important information about Simon.
He also found out that Simon wasn’t alone and
Simon also belong to a bigger organization that included the police also.
Through some up and down, he found out the reason behind the assassination and blackmail Simon.
sinopsis versi Mummy Ayu pulak..
Nicholas Cage as Will...
seorang cikgu bahasa inggeris biasa jer
kisah bermula
bila satu malam nie wife dia kena rogol & kena pukul teruk...
kat hospital.
bila dia tengah tension2 tu

dtg plak sorang mamat nie...Simon
buat satu offer kat Will nie
Simon nak tolong balaskan dendam kpd org yg buat wife Will tu
Will mula2 tolak
tapi sbb geram..dia terima gak
tak payah bayar apa2 pun
just...satu hari nanti..Will kena tolong Simon gak
tolong apa? Simon tak cakapa apa pun...
so...esok hari tu Will dapat gambar mamat yg rogol wife dia tu..mati
bersama rantai wife dia yg org jahat tu amik
Will rasa bersalah gak, tapi puas hati sbb dendam dah terbalas
6 bulan lepas tu...
Simon call Will
minta Will balas balik budi dia

Simon minta Will follow sorang perempuan & 2 anak dia
than suruh Will bunuh sorang lelaki nie
(dia kasi gambar & details semua)
Simon kata..lelaki nie perogol kanak2
Will tak nak..of coz..
dia takut..tapi Simon ugut nak apa2 kan wife dia
so..nak tak nak dia kena ikut gak
so...Will pun buat la apa Simon suruh
tapi...lelaki yg dia nak bunuh tu..lawan balik & terjatuh
bukan Will bunuh
Will takut & tetiba kena tangkap polis
tapi...terlepas gak
sbb ada gak polis yg geng ngan Simon
tapi Will jadi org buruan la
so..dia larikan diri
& dapat tahu mamat yg Simon suruh bunuh tu..
wartawan yg sedang buat story pasal kumpulan Simon nie
so....mamat tu tak bersalah
and Will tolong jugak sambung siasatan wartawan tu
and berjaya kalah kan Simon
hero..mana leh kalah kan?
so..kesimpulan nya..
citer nie best la
mcm best jea nnti nak mencari dvd la