Birthday Dido

ni cita ahad lepas....
malam tu..kami buat makan2 sikit.....sambut birthday my bro...Dido
Ibu ngan Shyra...sponsor kek...
indulgence ..from SR..
yum yum...

Mummy Ayu nagn Ewan..
share2 beli bhn2 utk steamboat
pelbagai ball...mushroom..sayur...dll

bermonopod jab..

Mummy Ayu...ngan Wani
suka budak tu cuti panjang...

pas dah siap semua..
baru panggil birthday boy
Happy birthday Dido...
kira belated gak la..
sbb..birthday dia hari sabtu...kami sambut hari ahad
tapi sian...sbb birthday boy...demam..

semoga cepat sembuh & sihat selalu yer my bro....

About mummy_ayu

I am Mummy Ayu And obviously I am a mummy of two kids, Ian and Iris. This blog is like my diary. Its contain my life story, my kids, my passions,my hobbies, my friends, my cooks and many more.


  1. Seronok dh besar pun disambut besday kan...ihiks.. happy besday bro ^_~

  2. banyakkan nye food..

    saya follow ye..
    kalau minat nak beli cadar 5d murah dari harga pasaran .boleh klik kat sini ye..

    rm145 sekali pos.

    thanks ye


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