
Zus Plushies

semalam zus kuarkan zus plushies
sempena bulan nov ni... anniversary diaorang yg ketiga

this year...x dpt free
kena beli...
pagi tu diaorang buka offer RM 11 utk 111 yg terawal
mula x excited sgt
sbb ingat kecik

sekali tgk..org lain update
eh eh..besar la
laju je la nak jugak
requested kat my sis..utk bday present
dia kata beli la, nanti claim

so..balik keja
gigih la order kan
RM 29.90 yer
and kena beli coconut series drink
dapat dah
sbb nak jugak kan
gigih kan jugak
cute sgt..
big giant zus cup

laju je whatsapp my sis
x jadi claim la, biar dia beli hadiah lain
this my present to my selft

pagi ni of coz la bawa gi opis
leh la peluk2 kat opis

teman Mummy Ayu kat opis

just nice je peluk sambil wat keja 
sila abaikan muka time lunch yer

kat opis ni semua org pun tau Mummy Ayu coffee lover
sesuai la kan..peluk bantal coffee jugaks


About mummy_ayu

I am Mummy Ayu And obviously I am a mummy of two kids, Ian and Iris. This blog is like my diary. Its contain my life story, my kids, my passions,my hobbies, my friends, my cooks and many more.


  1. Alaaaa terlepassss padahal dh remind dh semlm..

  2. Eh..dalam gambar nampak kecik je...besar erk.,....

  3. Eh eh comellah plushie ni. Boleh tahan besar juga saiz tu. Dah terlepaslah pulak..huhu...

  4. wahhhhh besarnya! berbaloi juga harga tu hehehe

  5. besar gedabak dh mcm bantal pemeluk je., hehehe


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