1st tiffin for 2025

hari ni...first pulak
he he he

tiffin for today
1st for 2025

isi dalam nya...
mee hoon guyeng
hashbrown 1, chic pop 2, cocktail sausage 2 
ni saja ngada2...sbb buatkan utk Iris...nak jugak cikit.he he
and buah2 of coz...

kengkawan bfast apa pagi ni?
dah makan ke tu? 

About mummy_ayu

I am Mummy Ayu And obviously I am a mummy of two kids, Ian and Iris. This blog is like my diary. Its contain my life story, my kids, my passions,my hobbies, my friends, my cooks and many more.


  1. sedapnya :) MZ dh start clean eating semlm (cuma utk cut carbo dan sugar), moga2 berjaya laaa sbb azam tahun 2025 nii

  2. Morning Ayu...hari ni makan roti canai je...masih sakit perut cirit birit

  3. Biasanya breakfast/sahur menu ringkas roti cake celup kopi je mummy.
    Buka nanti baru cari menu berat.


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