Apsal chef ramai2 nie?

hah..ramai tak chef???
boikot tak nak masak ker?
abis la tak makan la org..
he he he...
tak la...
nie la pic chef2 kat tempat cik Daddy keja
ramai lelaki kan dr perempuan..??
use to be one of the...
mana my hubby????
zoom cikit...
hah..tu dia...
kat belakang sekali...
aik..comel lak awek chef depan tu...
sapa ek..? kena check nie....
dah la amik gambar dekat2 tu......

nie la pic baling topi....nak jugak.....
Didi kata amik gambar nie time malam new year tu

kira pic 2010 la gitu...

About mummy_ayu

I am Mummy Ayu And obviously I am a mummy of two kids, Ian and Iris. This blog is like my diary. Its contain my life story, my kids, my passions,my hobbies, my friends, my cooks and many more.


  1. wah dh mcm konvo dah kan
    heheh baling2 topi

    nak minta tolong vote..
    Kalau bole vote no 2 & 28 heheh

  2. Nana ~ Ayu dah vote 2 & 11..jue minta vote tadi..tapi dah vote nana dah...

    Puan Bee ~ best tapi busy sgt...

  3. laaaa...hubby ko pun chef gak ke?? baru aku tau. hotel mana? bizibodi je kan heheh


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