Sweet treat!!!

candy table...
i like!!..
bukan budak2 jer suka
mak budak pun suka...
semua nya yg manis2 kat sini..
Net letak dlm pelbagai tractor...
mula2 mcm nie..
time nie lum sampai cookies..
ada gummies..
ada lolichoc
yg nie mcm choc oreo
tapi..takde oreo..
choc je..
choc lagi
tic tac
pas tu cookies sampai
tambah cookies..
memang meriah..
penuh satu table...
letak dlm jaring mcm nie..
ikat riben
siap untuk di bawa pulang..

About mummy_ayu

I am Mummy Ayu And obviously I am a mummy of two kids, Ian and Iris. This blog is like my diary. Its contain my life story, my kids, my passions,my hobbies, my friends, my cooks and many more.


  1. kreatippp..
    sume bebudak tertarikk punyer la.. =)

  2. betul tu kalau nampak ni bkn budak2 je yg suka mak bapak budak terlebih suka ni hehhe

    nett kreatif gak pala otak dia ni hehehe

  3. thanx adlin eheheheh -........koyak celah spender aku baca msg ko.


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